Comic publishing, Graphic Novel Publishing, kickstarter

So, you’re looking into Kickstarter…

PART ONE Being part of a community by Anthony Feinman Kickstarter recently reached a milestone of being ten years old. Ten years ago, I looked at crowdfunding and balked at the idea. People begging other people to fund their projects or causes? How pathetic! I equated the notion to nothing short of panhandling. In fact,… Continue reading So, you’re looking into Kickstarter…


Peoria Quad Con, Aftermath

This title sounds ominous, doesn't it? Regardless, Julie and I have been going to small cons in Central Illinois for the past 5-6 years. They tend to be only one or two a year for us. However, last year, we did a total of four signings. Come 2019, and we have done only one this… Continue reading Peoria Quad Con, Aftermath